Monday, March 14, 2016

Boston sightseeing, via running sneakers!

I am not a city girl, but I have to say, running in Boston made me fall in love.  On Saturday, I ran along the Charles River, over to the esplanade, to the Museum of Science, and back to MIT, on the other side of the Charles.  Dodging hundreds of runners and walkers, and having so much to look at, made 4 miles fly by! The sun was sparkling off the river, the sailboats and crew teams were out, and I was smiling the whole time.

Yesterday, my dear bud Sharon and I headed out to run, after the kids were dropped off at MIT.  Sharon needed 8 miles in, for her training, and I figured I'd just do 6 and walk back if need be.  (Still recovering from some hip adductor overuse issues.)  So, we headed out in the general direction of the harbor, running past the Museum of Science, the Garden, the Zakim bridge, the Aquarium, Fanueil Hall, the Common, some of the Public Gardens, and back to the Esplanade, to head back to MIT.  I stopped at 7 miles while Sharon continued on to get her 8 in.  Such fun! 
I may not be a city girl, overall, but I do love running in the city!!