Monday, May 30, 2016

RIP, iPhone!

I accidentally left my phone in my raincoat pocket, while at work, last Tuesday.  Which may have been fine, had it not poured buckets for hours.  I was soaked through several layers of clothes, and when I went to peel them off, I realized where my phone had spent the soggy day.  It has spent a week in a bag of rice but it's gonezo.
So my quick photo-a-day has been postponed!  On one hand, being phone-less this week has been frustrating, but on the other, it's been liberating.  No pressure to check and return texts has been nice, I admit.  :)
I will probably just wrap this portion of the, "Things that Make Me Smile" but will resume taking and sharing pics that do make me smile, as I'm able.  Even though a water-logged phone did not make me smile, there has been, and is, a lot to smile about, all around me.