Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cold days, fun memories

It has been a busy, full, fun winter.  The boys have activities every day, and see friends often.  Our weekly schedule is full, and we've had lots of extra, social things on the calendar.  
We ski weekly (or more). We go as a family, sometimes, but usually I ski alone while the boys go off with their buds.  Skiing helps make winter more fun.
Drum lessons, piano lesson, youth group (Elijah still plays in the band), book clubs, co-op classes and field trips, Cam's new parkour class, E's new indoor soccer team, plus extra time with friends/sleepovers...we've had full, happy days.  Logan's basketball season ended and all three boys are hoping to do outdoor soccer this spring.
Looking forward to spring, but this has been a fun winter!