Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dum spiro, spero: While I breathe, I hope.

Some of the Latin sayings we've learned sound prettier than others.  :)

I am going to be looking for a job! Time for me to try to earn some money for the family, and time for me to be more useful than just doing laundry and scrubbing everyone's pee off the toilets.  Even homeschooling does not utilize my skills anymore, as the boys are old enough to learn independently (or with other instructors) - at this point, I mostly just supervise.  Time to feel useful again! 

I'd love to get a part-time job doing something outdoors: maybe with a landscaping or gardening supply company.  I had considered something in my old field of social work, but I am not sure I can take on the extra commuting that those types of jobs tend to come with.  It's a possibility, though.  We'll see if anything opens up for me and this new chapter! I'm gonna start keeping my eyes peeled for opportunities.