Saturday, January 17, 2015

Bloody socks.

If my socks are bloody, after my run, does that mean I'm officially "a runner?"

I usually tell people that "I run, but, I'm not a runner."  Up until recently, I have only been able to run 3 miles at a time, with a few 4 mile runs I was able to do, by the end of last summer.

I lack the drive, or competitive nature, to push myself- I lack the "oomph" to care enough to push it.  I'm "athletic" but not an "athlete."

So, the fact that I decided to try to do a half-marathon, by fall 2015, is cuckoo-catchoo.  I don't know why I even want to try this.  

We were able to buy a used treadmill at the end of the fall/beginning of winter.  We don't have a huge house, so it's in the garage. I've been able to bundle up and head to the garage, to try to follow the training plan I printed out last month.

So far, so good...I had to redo week one, because I was sick and couldn't run and hack up a lung at the same time, that weekend, but other than that, I haven't missed a run yet.  Today was my first ever (well, since about 1994) 7 mile run! Wow! I remember when I couldn't run for 7 minutes without stopping.  

I don't know if I will be able to make it up to over 13 miles, but I'm gonna keep plugging along to try! Even though both socks had blood on them today because my toes were bleeding.  I think that means that I somehow am... A runner?