Friday, January 16, 2015


In the less than 48 hours since I posted my first post- the reason I started this blog- to share the story of what we've been dealing with/working on, this blog has received over 1,100 views.
So, that tells me that I know that the majority of the people I know, both friends and aquaintences, know the full scoop.  No need to keep it on here for gossip's sake.  If you are someone who didn't get to read it, drop me a note and I'll send it your way, and if you are someone who had wanted to help Mark and I and the boys out, per our request, but haven't had a chance to, let me know and I'll also forward you the info on that.
But, as much as I appreciate the viewer support here on this new blog, I would expect that those of you who care will have had already shown us that with your emails, etc.  (THANK YOU!)
Those of you who don't know our family,
or who do, but don't really care about us, trust me, there are way more entertaining blogs for you to read! Ha! This family is pretty boring, sorry.  You might want to find some way cooler blog to check out regularly.