Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Easter has been a holiday that I have loved, in years' past.  Its symbolism of new life and grace, by way of Christ's death and resurrection, always had me feeling thankful and renewed in faith.
This year was different.  I still am not speaking to God and really don't know where I'm at with my faith, or if I even have any.  I just can't shake off what He's allowed, and I just can't let it go.  I went to church with the family, because they wanted me to, but I couldn't bring myself to sing the songs(or even stand during them), and I certainly didn't take communion. I'm all set.  So- this Easter was "new" for me but not in the usual way.  I wonder if this is a one-time life phase (it's been pretty long, if so), or if this is the new normal.  Either way, Easter Sunday was a nice day- I like seeing happy families out together, and I love time with my family, and enjoy going to visit the extended family.  
Another new thing was that the boys didn't want baskets this year~ some candy and $5 per kid made them happy campers, and I can dig this new tradition!