Friday, April 17, 2015

Sore muscles and peepers

Made it through my first "week" of part time work! Worked 19.5hrs.  I have bruised knees and legs, my toes are so beat that the polish on my toenails even rubbed completely off, and I yelp a little when I go to sit down, due to sore muscles.  But- it has been awesome.  Nothing like hard work to do my body good.  

For some reason, I was determined to work on my own garden beds when I got home, even though every cell in my body wanted me to lay down instead.  The morning's rain (i wore a full rain suit at work today) had given way to sun, and the temps were perfect for raking out/pruning beds, so I just had to.  Watching the boys play w a wiffle ball in the grass, and seeing Nellie play with a random dog that stopped by the yard, all was just awesome.

Sadly, several of my specimen trees were badly beaten up by the winter's record snowfall.  My viburnums and my weeping Japanese maple, shrub-form, were badly hit, with several large branches snapped off. Also, so much evidence of moles...holes and tunnels all over the place. I ordered some nematodes and will be trying to get those applied to the yard asap.  

Mark cut down a few more trees (we have so many messy trees/branches to clear this year!) and started to dig in a few barrels that I am using for blueberries.  He also made me a homemade rain barrel, and we will be working on making and setting up a drip-watering hose...trying out these new systems with the info I've learned this spring. 

I'm exhausted but happy.  Seeing tiny little gems of plants starting to peek up from the ground, after brushing away leaves and debis, to me, is...magical, for the lack of a better word.  

I worked outside in the yard until almost 8:30 tonight...I could barely see, but I was on a mission to clean up more leaves.  Plus, I could hear PEEPERS!
Welcome, spring.  The moles and chipmunks(and broken branches) can go away, but everything else that comes with you, spring, can stay.  Even the sore muscles!